"Intuition with Your Guardian Angels" by Cindy Smith

Cindy Smith • Jun 30, 2023

"Intuition with Your Guardian Angels"

Message from Cindy

I was guided to focus on Intuition for July, and to highlight our Angel Teams. My Angel team consists of my 4 Guardian Angels, Archangel Michael and whichever Archangel is with me at any moment in time. I believe our Guardian Angel Team is connected to our Intuition! In addition, I am going to share with you, in July and August some of the senses I believe we use to communicate with our Guardian Angel Team which enhances out Intuition.

First, what is an Angel Team? We each have our own Angel Team. Our Guardian Angels are a gift to us from Higher Power. Similar to the Archangels, they are nondenominational. Each individual on earth has at least one Guardian Angel with them always, regardless of their belief system or practice. Your Guardian Angels never leave you, EVER. Once you have been given a Guardian Angel, he or she will be with you until you cross over to the white light/heaven. These Angels are pure love vibration – your team with NO EGO. Most people are born with two Guardian Angels and the average person has three. The highest number I have seen around someone is eight. The Guardian Angels are referred to as our gift of Divine Intuition and our personal helpers gifted to us from God.

Archangels are the overseers of the Guardian Angels, with a slightly higher vibration, which means a higher connection to Source. The Archangels can be with us to assist with specific tasks; depending on what we are asking for and when complete, they may leave our vibration. Archangels are referred to as God’s helpers, messengers of the Divine and the Creator’s helpers or taskmasters.

The biggest difference between Guardian Angels and Archangels is the Archangels can come and go in our vibration, and our Guardian Angels never leave us.

I would like to share with you how easy it is to use your four main senses to communicate with your Angel Team. The month of July will focus on clairvoyance and claircognizance as the senses to use with Angelic communication. I am sharing the basics of how my Angel Team uses these senses with me every day. I encourage you to set intention of using your senses similar with expansion on ways you can be creative in working with your Angels.

Clairvoyance means “clear seeing”. I use the term ‘pictures ‘more often than the term ‘clairvoyance’ with my Angel team.

The following are a few examples of how my team uses my sight to communicate with me:

• Pictures created within my minds’ eye or using my third eye to give me pictures. Third eye and minds’ eye is the same to me. (read below for example)

• I see repetitive instances of symbols like feathers (my favorite), butterflies, coins, number sequences (11 11 my favorite) and rainbows. I believe in no coincidence; therefore, as soon as I acknowledge a symbol, or notice a symbol I know it is a message from my team. Sometimes I use the symbol as a tool to remind me to look around in my environment and ask myself “What am I missing?”

• My team communicates with me in my dreams with vivid colors and angelic emotions and direct messages of thoughts

• Colors and symbols are significant for me while receiving messages from the Archangels because of how each communicates in a unique way and it helps me to differentiate between each Archangel. (e.g., Archangel Michael - I see purple; Archangel Uriel - I see a scroll as symbol)

Example of how I refer to using our mind’s eye:

Take the time with me now: keep your eyes open and create in your mind’s eye your kitchen. What colors are your countertops, appliances, floor, and any pictures on the wall? Can you see your kitchen with color and be able to describe to me? Most people are able to say, “yes”. Just as you see your kitchen that is how my team uses pictures to give me messages. I ask to see a clean white board within my mind’s eye and then they flash pictures for me either in still form or movie form. Yes, it is this simple. Only 10 percent of my Angel communication through vision is in spirit form outside of my mind’s eye. Allow your Angel Team to show you pictures and enjoy.

Claircognizance means ‘clear knowing”. I refer to this sense as our Divine Knowing within.

The following are a few examples of how my team uses my knowing to communicate with me:

• Trust in Knowing without having to have proof

• I use this sense along with the other 3 senses (I know them to be in Truth: feeling, seeing and hearing)

• I accept the messages I receive from the Divine without question or self-doubt

• I just KNOW

I find this sense the hardest to describe because it is so simple in its form. Trust what you know without explaining it.

Your Angel Team acknowledges your Divine Knowing. Trust in your angel team’s support.

 “I believe you have been receiving messages and guidance from your Angel Team since the moment you were born.” Your Guardian Angel Team are always with you, they never leave you. I suggest you consciously start looking for signs or ASKING for communication from your team with these two senses. Now it involves practice and acknowledgement of how your angel team has been communicating with you and they will continue to do so NOW. 

The August Message will be focusing on your clairsentience and clairaudience.

In Love and Light Cindy

A Gift For You -  Meditation - Meet Your Guardian Angel

Download The Meditation

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