AEP™ Angel Empowerment Practitioner Premium Course | Online, Kijabi
The Premium AEP Online Course is work at your own pace, unlike the regular course where Cindy is subject to time constraints. The premium course has allowed her freedom to expand on her teaching and your experience. She has added so much BONUS material for you, including additional recorded webinars, meditations, bonus hand out material and so much more. You even finish the course with a private session with Cindy.
This Premium Online AEP Course Is designed for you to work at your own pace and… you will still interact with Cindy Smith during your bi-weekly calls.
Cindy has blended her life’s lessons & learning’s to create a beautiful Angel Empowerment Practitioner (AEP) Online Certification Program PLUS a Complete tool box of Information to support you on your journey as an Angel Empowerment Practitioner.
Over the years of teaching thousands of students this incredible course Cindy explains, “One third take the Premium AEP Online Course to learn and trust to communicate with their Angel Team, another one third take the AEP course to become a Certified AEP Practitioner and the rest take the AEP Course to enhance their already existing Lightworker business by using this course as an opportunity to put NEW skills into effect & enhance their spiritual, healing, counselling and/or energy based businesses.
Whatever your reason, trust your Angel team has led you to this AEP online course page to register.
In Cindy’s world she believes in no coincidence.
A few keys areas of learning in the Premium AEP Online Course are:
Key Skills taught in the AEP Online Course are:
You will gain business strategies to assist you in creating your own light-worker business, whether you work from home or office, earn money while connecting with clients world wide, bringing in extra income within weeks of becoming a Certified AEP.
"I am in complete gratitude for the Angel Empowerment Practitioner course. I decided to take the online course after a brief conversation with Cindy. I knew without a moment of hesitation - this was absolutely what I needed. I swiftly finished the online modules, videos and homework with such ease and grace. I was so immersed in the content I found it hard to stop... I loved every minute of it. There is a saying "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear!" Cindy is confident, down to earth, loving and caring. She is extremely clear, conscience and her personality shines through with everything she teaches. I love you Cindy and thank you for the beautiful gifts you are teaching to the world each and every day."