Cindy Smith AEP

AEP™ Healing Program

Would you like to become an Angel Empowerment Healing Practitioner?

Help people own their own Health. Become a Holistic Practitioner in assisting change and healing for your clients. Are you ready to help change the Health of our World one person at a time? Join the AEP™ Healer Team!!

In Person or Online!

Register Now - June 11th - 15th, 2025
Hands on Healing Program

The Angel Empowerment Healing Program

Dr. Carl Le Roux and Cindy Smith truly believe by working with the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, Higher Consciousness) and the physical body this program will be life changing for you. The overall premise of this process is, as the Practitioner flows Archangel Raphael’s Healing Energy to a cellular level of the physical body to receive; the practitioner states words for the client to repeat aloud. The focus allowing the 3 minds to work together which includes your free will and ego and encourages congruency within to truly receive and believe in the Powerful Healing thru Archangel Raphael and the Divine. Dr. Carl Le Roux developed the language to speak to the body in terminology the physical body will understand and accept on a cellular level. Cindy Smith has developed the Angel Empowerment Techniques and practice.

Reach out to a Practitioner
Cindy Smith AEP and Dr.Carl Le Roux

Cindy Smith and Dr. Carl Le Roux are the co-founders of the Angel Empowerment Healing Program. Sam Bell has joined Cindy in assisting with instructing the Angel Empowerment Healing Practitioner Course.

Dr. Carl Le Roux states, “I am a family physician. I was born in South Africa and did my medical training there. I moved to Canada many years ago, wrote my Canadian exams and now work full time as a family physician.

Illness comes into our lives for various reasons. Our experiences, interaction with other people, diet, activity, mood, etc., all affect our immune system, which in turn, affects our health. Being a physician gave me the knowledge on anatomy, symptoms and illness and how this affects our health. Working with energy and the angels helps me to understand the power we have to affect our health. I believe we each have the power to be in perfect health. Just as we can set intention to manifest whatever we desire, we can manifest perfect health.”

Cindy Smith is the founder of Angel Empowerment Practitioner Certification Course™ and co-founder with Dr. Carl Le Roux of the Angel Empowerment Healing Program.

Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own intuition and Divine Guidance, and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in self.

With a background in nursing and counseling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of tangible information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and states, “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an instructor/healer is to witness individuals ‘Move from I can’t too I can.’”

Cindy Smith states, “I have been working with Divine Energy as a Light-worker since 2008. It was the summer of 2014 when I was guided by Archangel Raphael to bring more focus towards Healing the Physical for others. Up until that moment my practice was more about healing emotional, spiritual and mental and empowering people to trust in themselves and their Angel Team. Many of you may find this hard to believe but at first when asked by Archangel Raphael to add the physical modality to my practice, I responded with a ‘NO”. I was in ego and very aware of many amazing healing modalities in existence for assisting people with physical healing. I was wondering why the Angels were guiding me to add another technique. My Angel Team can be very persistent and eventually they showed me a vision of Dr. Carl. At that moment in time I felt relief and new there was much more to be revealed for the future of this modality.”

Sam Bell Angel Empowerment and Hands on Healing Practitioner

Sam Bell is a British Trained and Registered Midwife and Nurse who’s clinical practice spans 30 plus years and 3 continents. She is also a Certified Teacher in Adult Education and holds Integrative Health Coaching certifications as well as an array of complimentary therapy certifications, including Reiki Master, Higher Priestess Practitioner and of course, Angel Empowerment (AEP) and Healing Practitioner.

Sam states, “When I first heard that my mentor Cindy Smith had founded a new modality along with Dr. Carl Le Roux, that incorporates clinical language as well as Archangel Raphael’s healing energy, I jumped at the opportunity to become one of the very first certified practitioners. That was back in 2016, and I have built up my experience and practice continuously from that moment. I am a great believer in the power of the human mind in the healing process, having witnessed many patients and clients gain control over their perception of symptoms and begin their positive healing from within. This modality works on this exact belief system together with energy healing at a cellular level.

AEP Healing incorporates all of the principles upon which I have based my holistic care practices. This innovative healing program makes complete scientific and spiritual sense, satisfying the curiosities I have witnessed in my 30 plus years as a health care provider. Having a clinical knowledge of anatomy, physiology and symptoms enables me to understand how this modality works to affect our health. Working with and understanding energy and the AEP theory helps me to understand the power we have to own our health. When a client believes they have the power to be in perfect health, nothing assists the medical profession more greatly to determine quality of life and a positive outcome.”

Cost is $1288.00 + GST

In Person or Online Training

June 11th - 15th, 2025

(Payment plans available for up to 4 payments!)

Need help?
If you have any questions or need help with the payments, you can call Cindy at 403-970-3496
or send Cindy an email at [email protected]
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