Virtual House Clearing with Cindy Smith

spiritual mediumship

Virtual House Clearing with Cindy Smith

Clear your Home or Office Space with Archangels Divine Vibration Guided by Cindy Smith

Are you interested in cleansing your space with the assistance of the Divine? Cindy Smith is offering a NEW and UNIQUE opportunity to participate in a virtual house clearing. Cindy will assist in guiding you through how to clear your home and walk through your space cleansing with the Archangels.

In addition to a virtual clearing booking a Session with Cindy (1 week + from booking time) also includes your own crystal grid, which will be sent to you and will be infused with intention for your space.

Cindy Smith has been teaching House Clearings for over a Decade. Through this virtual option, she can continue in assisting others create a safe and energetically welcoming space around the globe. 

Booking includes: 

  • 30 Minute Private Session with Cindy and a guided Archangel Clearing.
  • Messages for you from the Archangels concerning your space and environment. 
  • Cost of Crystal Grid and shipping included in Booking Price.
  • Crystal Grid = Clear Quartz, Tourmaline, Rose Quarts and Citrine (4 each).
  • Information Sheet – Will be sent via email prior to session.

Please book your session at least a week in advance.

Book Here

Additional Purchases:

  • Order Extra Children’s grid for their bedroom (Rainbow Fluorite, Clear Quartz and Tourmaline 4 each)
  • Extra Grid (Clear Quartz, Tourmaline, Rose Quartz and Citrine 4 each)

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