Inspirational Day with The Angels

May 4, 2025

A Day to be Inspired and Celebrate Community.


The event has ended!

The agenda for May 4th encompasses topics such as personal empowerment, strategies to enhance trust, and methods to improve intuitive connections by utilising both Divine and Shamanic tools to streamline life. Participants are encouraged to stop worry for themselves and teach children the same. Focus on being present and managing controllable aspects of life. Additionally, there will be a healing circle aimed at self-healing with Archangel Raphael and sending healing to loved ones. 

Live in Calgary Alberta

Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Hotel

2620 32 Ave NE, Calgary

AB, T1Y 6B8 

May 4th, 2025

9:00 – 5pm

Lunch Included 


Ticket Prices

1 = $88 + GST

2+ = $78 + GST

Message from Cindy,

“This year marks my 18th year of organizing and hosting Inspirational Angel Day in Calgary. Hosting Angel Day is one of my favorite annual events. It inspires me due to the positive feedback I receive from participants after each event. I have been guided to focus on personal power and enhancing intuitive connections. Recently, with all the changes around us, I have noticed increased worry among clients, students, and even within myself. Archangel Michael will provide tools and guidance to help shift from worry to trust. This event will focus on understanding how, when, and why to seek assistance from our Angel Team and the importance of asking for support. I am pleased to have guest speakers share their experiences on personal empowerment and teaching children the same. Welcome to all new Angel Day participants. I am committed to ensuring that your experience meets your expectations, with assistance from my Angel Team. I extend a warm welcome to returning participants. Please be informed that Angel Day consistently includes new teachings, experiences, and meditations."

Looking forward to meeting new people and seeing familiar faces as we share love and light. See you soon.”

Cindy Smith

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VIP Tickets have several extra perks at the same Price! (No Promo Code in use for VIP Tickets).

Calgary Inspirational Angel Day Agenda with Some of our Highlights

This day includes, instruction, small group break outs, meditations, experiential practice, audience readings, healing circle for self and loved one, lunch included, & some amazing guest speakers. We have door prizes valued at $3000 plus.

We have Angel Card Readers at the event, you can book during breaks and vendors available in the room to share their treasures. 

  • ANGELS – Guardian and Archangels
  • Using your Intuitive Senses
  • Solar Plexus Chakra and your personal power
  • How to Stop Worry and Create Personal Power
  • Meditation with Archangel Michael
  • Shamanic Practices Amy Grigg Presentation
  • Using Angel Oracle Cards for Self
  • Audience Readings with Cindy Smith
  • Honouring our Sensitive Kids and tools to stop worry
  • Small Group Breakout Sessions
  • (opportunity to Ask AEP Practitioner’s Questions)
  • Steps on how to take care of you Energy
  • Angel Empowerment Healing
  • New Vital Balance Tools and Meditation Guided by Cindy
  • Prep Healing Circle (for self and loved ones)
  • Healing Circle – with Archangel Raphael
  • Prizes (Course Scholarships and many more prizes)


Cindy Smith

Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own Intuition and Divine guidance and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in one’s self.

With a background in nursing and counselling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of concrete information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and she states, “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an Instructor and Healer is to witness individuals move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”

Cindy is in an Instructor/Author/Inspirational Speaker/Healer and has recorded over 20 Guided Meditations.

I am very excited to have our Sponsor Amy Grigg!


Amy Grigg

Event Sponsor

Amy is certified as an Advanced Angel Empowerment Healing Practitioner, an Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner, Certified Spiritual Medium, Master Shamanic Energy Healer & Practitioner, and a Shamanic Reiki Practitioner. Amy integrates her life experiences and training to assist others in finding their Light and authentic selves.  

Amy has recently finished the mentorship program with Cindy Smith. Amy thought this was an opportune time to collaborate with Cindy on the concept of focusing on our personal power and taking control of what we can. Amy has recognized the beauty of Oneness and our innate ability to access Divine assistance. Amy encourages others to feel empowered and to find their unique path forward.

Amy Grigg's Presentation at Inspirational Angel Day Calgary

Shamanic Practices As A Tool For Enhancing Personal Power

Personal power is the energetic state of knowing and trusting that you can influence and create your own reality. Living from choice alleviates worry and feeling victimized by others and life circumstances. It is vital to our well-being to enhance and maintain our personal power. Shamanic practices offer additional tools for you to accomplish gathering all of your energy and bringing it back to you, removing energy that is not yours and may be blocking your clarity, and inviting relationships that enhance our power.



Deb Weinberger

Guest Speaker

Debbie Weinberger has been an Angel Empowerment Practitioner since 2014. She completed this course on an incredible journey across Ireland. She obtained her Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner Certification in Sept. 2016. Through the use of Oracle cards Debbie connects to a client’s Angel team to obtain guidance for life today. Debbie also has many Angel techniques that she uses to help her clients. Debbie is a Reiki Master in Usui, Karun, Lightarian and Holy Fire II Reiki. Debbie practices Reiki, Angel Healing and Crystal healing through her Healing practice located in her home, in Airdrie. One of Debbie’s greatest passions is teaching children and adults Reiki and Angelic healing to assist them to thrive in our chaotic world and to help others do the same. Debbie is a mother, grandmother and a long time Airdrie resident.

Deb will be sharing tools on how to help kids with worry!


Live in Calgary Alberta

Sheraton Cavalier Calgary Hotel

2620 32 Ave NE, Calgary

AB, T1Y 6B8 

May 4th, 2025

9:00 – 5pm

Lunch Included 


Ticket Prices

1 = $88 + GST

2+ = $78 + GST

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