Hi Angel Friends,
The theme for April is stop self-doubt and understand the Collective Divine Knowing.
This month’s Archangel Message has a different format than usual. Archangel Uriel answered my question directly to me as a Spiritual Teacher and I have decided to share this message with you. As you read or listen to the message, use the context that fits you as the receiver of information.
When I channel a message at times I need to read the message several times to understand what is meant for me personally. This message was one of those I read several times and I asked my editor, Heather, to share her feedback also. For example, the statement from Uriel, ‘Trust begins with each individual to increase the Collective Divine Knowing on your physical plane’ what does this concept mean to you? Heather responded with; “I read it as each individual has to self trust in order for the Collective Divine Knowing to flourish.”
I encourage you to read this message several times and I would love to hear some insights from YOU. Email me or post on Facebook.
In Love and Light, Cindy
This is the question Cindy asked Archangel Uriel before she channeled his response: “How do I guide individuals to trust in their intuition and inner knowing?”
"My child, share with people the Universal Law of Divine Knowing. It begins with asking us the Divine for an increased connection and guidance for an individual’s highest best interest. Teach them to trust in the Divine Inner Knowing within each individual and stop their self-doubt. The following common questions or statements, we the Divine witness, which create self-sabotage and self doubt are presented to ALL who choose to explore trust in Divine Knowing.
My child, once awareness of self doubt is present, guide individuals to ASK for it to be replaced with positive statements to build a stronger self - trust, such as:
My child, the Universal Law of Divine Knowing is the inner connection that ALL persons on the physical plane have: the ability to be: an individual connected to the Divine Connection of ALL. This connection expands their personal awareness and the Universal awareness to trust in the Collective of Divine Knowing from past, present and future. Trust begins with each individual to increase the Collective Divine Knowing on your physical plane.
My children, we witness the impact for persons who focus on the collective knowing first, and focus less on self-trust. If ALL on the physical plane trusted self and their individual Divine Knowing, there would be more empowerment within the collective and fewer challenges to create the doubt and the lesser desired life lessons. Therefore, first developing self-trust empowers the Divine Collective to support ALL individuals ASKING for guidance and intuitive connection.
My child, promoting self-trust is selfless and assists for the highest good for the ALL. "
Archangel Uriel