“My children; allow us to assist in creating or going to your Sacred Space on your Mother Earth. If you need to travel to your favorite space, do it physically or energetically. Once you are at your sacred space; use all your senses to acknowledge the peace, wellness, love, acceptance of your NOW, beauty of your environment, and the healing of NOW. Your ability to be in your NOW and accept the beauty of Mother Earth allows harmony within and around you. Be present in your now as you acknowledge the love for your environment. Be in your moment of NOW as you take the time to bring into your vibration the energy of mother earth. Look at the landscape, hear the sounds, feel the vibration, and know you are experiencing a vibrational gift from US and your mother earth. Receive your messages from Divine Vibration as you continue to JUST BE IN YOUR PRESENT TIME! AND SO IT IS.”
The post Archangel Arial Message for Jun 2016 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.