Inspirational Day with The Angels in Regina

September 28, 2024 | 9am - 5pm MST

A Day to be in JOY and Celebrate Community. Year 2024 is the year to experience JOY. Be in a room full of Positive Vibration and Inspiration to create JOY


The event has ended!

Live in Regina, Saskatchewan

CERB club regina

2775 Avonhurst Dr., Regina

SK, S4R 5R4 

September 28th 2024

9:00 – 5pm

Lunch Included 


Ticket Prices

1 = $58 + GST

2+ = $52 + GST

Message from Cindy,

“This is my 16th year of organizing and hosting Inspirational Angel Day. I am looking forward to sharing with you my love of this event. My focus for this year is JOY and INSPIRATION, by bringing together like-minded people to learn and develop more of your own intuition/connection and lift your vibe. If you are joining us for the first time, WELCOME! I will do my best to make the day all you would like it to BE, with guidance from my Angel Team!" If you are a past participant, I always add new teachings and experiences, and Archangel Michael has guided to focus on JOY for 2024.”

This day includes, instruction, small group break outs, meditations, experiential practice, audience readings, healing circle for self and loved one, vendors in room, lunch included, guest speakers. We have door prizes valued at $3000 plus.

If you are buying multiple tickets, select the number of tickets you'd like to purchase.

Looking forward to meeting new people and seeing familiar faces as we share love and light. See you soon.”

Part of the Agenda for the Day

  • Joy – Connection Using all your Senses
  • Angels – Who, When, Why, Where and How
  • What Works to Connect to Self and your Divine Team
  • Healing with Archangel Raphael 
  • Healing Circle for Self and Others
  • Breakout Groups with Angel Empowerment Practitioners Facilitating
  • Meditation with Archangel Michael
  • Audience Readings
  • Vital Balance - Do we achieve it?
  • Prizes and So Much More


Cindy Smith

Cindy assists individuals to understand how easy it is to trust in their own Intuition and Divine guidance and with Angel Empowerment tools how to own health and wellness by healing and harmonizing every aspect of life and ultimately trusting in one’s self.

With a background in nursing and counselling, a Masters in NLP, Cindy teaches from a wealth of concrete information combined with her intuitive gifts to present a balanced, skilled approach to Angel Empowerment. Cindy’s life purpose and passion is to teach and she states, “One of the most powerful experiences for me as an Instructor and Healer is to witness individuals move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”

Cindy is in an Instructor/Author/Inspirational Speaker/Healer and has recorded over 20 Guided Meditations.


Sam Bell

Sam is a British Trained Registered Nurse and Midwife whose clinical practice spans 35 plus years and 3 continents. She is also a Certified Teacher and holds Integrative Health Coaching certifications as well as an array of complimentary therapy certifications, including Reiki Master, Higher Priestess Practitioner, and of course, Angel Empowerment (AEP) and Angel Empowerment Healing.

Over recent years, Sam has partnered with Cindy Smith as the Clinical Lead and Co-Instructor for the Angel Empowerment Healing Program. Their joint passion is to empower individuals to achieve optimal health and believe that just as we can set the intention to manifest whatever we desire, we can manifest our own perfect health. Their joint mission is to ignite the AEH movement taking it to as many clients and practitioners as they possibly can across the globe


Vital Balance

Event Sponsor

Your Sponsor will be sharing at event:

Part of the Agenda for Vital Balance 

What is Vital Balance?

Learn why mindset works and/or stress management works but alone comes up short.

Experience the Vital Balance Activation Process

Discover and practice a simple, surprisingly powerful process to tap into a state of relaxation. The shift in you will be felt immediately!


Live in Regina Saskatchewan


2775 Avonhurst Dr., Regina

SK, S4R 5R4 

September 28th 2024

9:00 – 5pm

Lunch Included 


Ticket Prices

1 = $58 + GST

2+ = $52 + GST

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