Archangel Ariel & Archangel Michael Message for Feb 2017

Cindy Smith • February 1, 2017

Archangel Ariel Message for February 2017

With the launch of the Guided Rockie Mountain Retreats; I asked Archangel Ariel if she could give us a message concerning mother earth’s vortex energy and Archangel Michael also asked to share a message. Therefore, we are blessed to have two messages this month.

My children, the definition from us all regarding the vortex vibration is this; an area on your mother earth with a dense or compressed energetic vibration. The dense/compressed vibration is a mix of Divine Vibration and Mother Earth’s Vibration. Over thousands of years the density of vibration has changed the atmosphere and mineral components of your mother earth in a particular area. The change of vibration within the vortex, allows your physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional being to experience the difference in vibration or energetic field. My children, accept through your earthly time that your mother earth has assisted the Divine to create high vibration vortex areas. The earthy time has created areas with vibration through water, air, fire, glacier ice, water, crystalline vibration, and your earths’ core vibration. Due to this shift and change your physical will respond in different ways to the vortex. My children when you allow yourself to experience vortex energy take the time to use all your senses to receive messages and healing. Our vibration is with you to assist.

In addition, there are also areas on your mother earth which have increased vibration due to past physical forms/humans that have had high vibration ceremony repeatedly in an area on earth. This can also create a feeling of vortex energy because your mother earth has held the ceremonial vibration in the land and atmosphere.

Enjoy vortex areas, which we have assisted your Mother Earth to create space which brings joy, love, peace, healing and a sense of wonderment your mother earth holds special for each of you to experience. And So it Is, Archangel Ariel

 Archangel Michael Message – Concerning Vortex Energy

My children, Divine Vibration collectively works together to create Divine Vortexes within your Mother Earth. Some in the Physical form refer to vortexes with a name, such as, Archangel Michael Vortex. We prefer Divine Vortex of Vibration held strong within your Mother Earth Vibration. Collectively we are the messengers of Highest Vibration/Creator and equal in vibration as a messenger and or helper. We have asked our child, Cindy, to refer to the Vortex energy she is working with as Divine Vortex Vibration in assistance with your Mother Earth. My children, perhaps when you visit a Divine Vortex you will have a strong connection with an Archangel due to the area you are asking for assistance with or certain messages you receive. Enjoy your experience and understand we are equal in our assistance as a messenger. And So it Is.

Message from Archangel Michael came through when I asked him to explain the Archangel Michael Vortexes in the Rockies which I have heard mentioned in the past over several years.

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