“My children, experience freedom as you are in physical form. Your individual freedom within self reflects how you perceive your surroundings and experience Divine Timing. Ask yourself a question, ‘Does freedom within exist with burden, physical pain, emotional pain, anxiety, worry or fear?’ My children, freedom within is letting go of such energy mentioned. Be in your moment of time and ASK for assistance from us to have the courage to explore and see self within. Allow the freedom to remove heavy vibration which may be creating blocks to change. Acknowledge where and how change is perceived to be needed and allow us to assist in change NOW. Allowing change in your now takes courage and persistence. Frustration and worry stops growth of movement in your now. Be one with self and allow us to assist. Freedom equals light and staying in the NOW. Stop from wanting to control the future and your past and allow NOW with ease and willingness for change. My children FEAR keeps you stuck and stops inner growth. Be brave my children and allow the lion and lioness within to roar for change. Acknowledge change as a gift of growth on your journey in your physical form and accept our Divine Love. And so it is.”
The post Archangel Ariel Message for April 2015 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.