Message with Archangel Gabriel November 2016 (Co-create Action Using Divine Audio Vibration)
“My children we continue on the theme of Co-Creating with Divine Vibration: Bring your attention to ACTION STEPS in co-creating with us all you desire. We will assist with guidance in using your audio sense to co-create with messages from Divine Vibration and your ability to use the POWER OF YOUR THOUGHTS. This message my children will be shared in two parts; allowing for action on your part first.
Read below the questions and take time to write down the answers without our assistance; using your own beliefs and inductive reasoning.
Now take the time to read the questions again and ASK US to assist with the answers, and write down the answers you receive through thoughts from us. These are the steps to follow;
We are asking our child Cindy to also receive the answers to the questions above from US and she will share in a future message for you; first allowing you to gain your own clarity and practice in receiving assistance with US by using your thoughts.
My children continue to ask for assistance and our presence to be with you as you complete ACTION Steps to increase your audio awareness in creating outcomes.
You are using your Audio Sense to create and manifest all you desire by acknowledging Action in co-creating. Action equals courage of change and accepting ALL you are NOW and in your future! Co-create Action with us NOW. TRUST AND BE IN ACTION! SO IT IS.”
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