“My children we witness the effect a shield of protection has around your aura. My children for many of you your awareness to sensitivity has become stronger. It is important for your realm of energy to protect more of your physical being which holds your vibration. Your beautiful Aura reads your environment around and within. It is essential to keep your aura clear and light and at full capacity. Taking on emotions from other physical beings, or energetic and vibrational debris from your environment stops you from allowing optimal health and clarity. We ask you to
allow us to protect your aura by ASKING for a Rainbow Shield. Your Rainbow Shield lasts up to 12 hours in your realm of time. Ask every 12 hours. My children, it is important to have your shield as you sleep also.
Ask and So it Is.”
The post Archangel Metatron’s Message November 2019 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.