Message with Archangel Michael August 2016 (Co-create Action)
I have been guided to do a series of messages from Archangels focussed on Action (co-creating) using our Senses. Excited to share over the next several months.
“My children bring your focus to ACTION. How do you set intent on Action? Acknowledge your NOW vibration and set action into place. ASK for our assistance to guide you to the steps in your NOW to create action. While you experience the NOW vibration, also create the task orientated steps. This is referred to as co-creating with US. ASKING and allowing our assistance in creating and manifesting your steps of action. Action = outcomes which may be considered future vibration. When your steps are manifested and acknowledged bring the outcome into your NOW. Use all your SENSES to acknowledge steps and outcome. Perhaps you will use visual tools such as; lists, pictures, recording and symbols. Perhaps you will use audio tools such as; recordings, meditation, thoughts, affirmations or feel the action with steps and outcomes. Set intention of Action and allow to unfold all you desire NOW.
Action equals courage of change and accepting ALL you are NOW and in your future! Co-create Action with us NOW. TRUST AND BE IN ACTION! SO IT IS.”
September message will be co-creating with Archangel Haniel, “Using Divine Visual Vibration such as Vision Boards.”
October Message will be co-creating with Gabriel, “Using Divine Audio Vibration such as thoughts, audio communication.”
November message will be co-creating with Archangel Jophiel, “Using Divine Feeling vibration such as; emotions and physical feeling.”
The post Archangel Michael Message for Aug 2016 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.