“My children, we created a visual grid for you to use with all your senses, as we share how to connect and trust in the Divine Prosperity of Love. Create a scale within your mind’s eye with the numbers 1 to 8. The number 8 representing the highest vibration connected to your Higher Consciousness and 1 being the vibration connected to your conscious mind. Ask yourself and then ask us to show you the number you are vibrating at on the scale. Work with us my children to bring your vibration to the number 8, the infinite number of prosperity within your Higher Consciousness. My children, your lesson in your physical is to understand the infinite source of Divine Love which includes the infinite source of money as love vibration. Your higher consciousness knows this to be true; your role is to live and experience this truth and let go of vibration that holds you in the lower numbers of conscious mind. My children, you must be at your own cause to create the infinite source of prosperity and stop from allowing vibration outside of yourself affect you. Money is effect and Divine Source or love is cause. Your environment is effect and Divine Source or love is cause. Experiencing lack is effect and limits direct connection to Divine Source. My children when your focus is on the how you also limit direct connection to Divine Source. My children, each of you are linked to Divine Love Prosperity through your Higher Consciousness the All source of Divine. The grid “ Higher Conscious Connection to the All Source of Prosperity, is accessible thru your higher self. My children, you have an easier access to the All Source when you clear your vibration of effect thoughts, beliefs, values and actions concerning money which are stored in your unconscious mind. Ask assistance from us and a lightworker who can assist with your acknowledgement of your effect self; therefore, moving from a lower number on your scale to the highest number of infinite prosperity.
Action: 4 steps
The post Archangel Michael Message for Feb 2016 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.