Dear Angel Friends
When I pulled a card from my Inspire Change and Healing Oracle Deck for the September Newsletter, the ‘Motivation and Action’ Card fell out on table. I immediately felt a lift in vibration. Sometimes I feel like the themes each month are to keep me personally on track. I have been so happy with my own follow through and ACTION recently that perhaps Michael wanted me to share.
Procrastination can be a challenge for me when it comes to follow through on taking care of my physical body. I have in the past used the excuse of my time. Yes, time can be a factor in my busy schedule for exercise and making healthy meals. However, for the last several months I am doing it!! My motto “Move from I can’t to I can” in my Spirituality is now in my Physical Reality too. Archangel Michael and Raphael are keeping me motivated and in Action follow through. Big help has also been by creating the Weight Management Motivation Program within our Angel Empowerment Healing Program. When this card fell out of the deck, I knew it was a confirmation card from Michael to keep up the Action and perhaps to some of my Angel Friends you will also find some inspiration in Michael’s Message.
Sending out Love and Light and trust I may see some of you at our Angel Event in September,
Following is a message from Michael on the ‘Motivation and Action’ Oracle Card, from the Inspire Change and Healing Deck.
“My children, stop creating goals without action. Overanalyzing steps blocks action. Action in your NOW creates movement in your future. Action of change creates a high vibration.”
My children, NOW consider your motivation for Action. Knowing your end goal brings more clarity to how and what will motivate you. Allow us the Divine to assist you with the action steps to obtain your goals. Action steps may be non-sequential therefore focusing on each action step may hinder your progress of motivation and action. Each moment of your time may change one action step to another. Continue to focus on the outcome of your goals and allow the action steps to transpire with ease. Motivation of follow through is best achieved by trusting that each action step has a purpose. Overanalyzing placement of action steps may block the motivation to follow through and commitment to you journey of change.
My children, there is no failure witnessed by us the Divine; failure in your physical realm is an easy concept/excuse to stop action by your own perception and standards. Be easy and gentle on self, regarding progress of change and action. Remove any past events/emotions which you may perceive as failure of follow through regarding motivation and action.
Perhaps take time along your journey of change to acknowledge the positive vibration you experience with follow through and action.
And So it Is,
Archangel Michael