Archangel Raguel Message for August 2024

Cindy Smith • August 2, 2024

Message From Cindy

Dear Angel Friends

I used my Inspire Change and Healing Oracle Deck to pull a Card for the theme from the Archangels for the month of August. 

I believe this topic can be difficult at times to discuss without experiencing some sort of judgement. I know I have dropped into judgement in my own life and notice how easy a trap it can be. I have asked Archangel Raguel to assist me to learn and stop judgement in negative ways for self and others. Whenever I hear the word Acceptance from my Angel Team, I take the time to reflect on where judgement is coming into play. I am in gratitude for the learning and Spiritual Practice. 

Sending out Love and Light and trust your summer is providing fun, rest and joy.


Stop Negative Judgement - Archangel Raguel

“My children, perhaps understanding your concept of judgement will assist in determining if negative judgment for self or others plays a role in your current experiences. Perhaps negative judgement can be termed as a negative quality because you may be unable to understand another person’s values, beliefs, opinions, actions, cultural practices, religious practice or other practice outside of your own experiences. 

Acceptance of other people’s actions, unless there is harm or negative emotions and negative actions involved, is a vital aspect to stopping focus on negative judgement and changing to positive. We the Divine suggest if at any moment you feel uncomfortable with someone’s values, beliefs, opinions, actions, cultural practices or religious practice, ask yourself ‘Is this my own judgement or am I experiencing judgement from someone else?’ Once you have determined where the feeling of judgement resides, ASK us the Divine to shift your energy to accept what is in your control and fits in your standards of your world experiences, and let go of projecting negative outside of self. 

Accepting your own beliefs and opinions in a positive light allows others to accept you as you are. Projecting your positive vibration attracts positive vibration without changing yours or others’ beliefs. Please never accept another’s belief if there is harm or punishment involved. Positive judgement may be used to discern what is in your highest best interest without negative emotions or negative actions involved. My children, trust in your own Spiritual Truth of Self and Divine Love to shift what you focus on around you. We the Divine acknowledge judgement as either a positive or negative tool for understanding self and others. ASK us to assist you to stay positive as you learn and grow on your own journey. Acceptance of Self changes the basic instinct to judge others who may be different from you. 

And So it Is,

Archangel Uriel

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