“My children, in this moment of your time bring focus to receive abundantly. Abundance in your terms of money equals Divine truth as love in our knowing of Divine Vibration. My children accept love in all forms which includes money. Know you are loved from Divine Vibration and accept love within and be open to receive love from others around you. Take the time to create peace in your now and be silent with self. Ask for assistance to manifest with us, and use all your senses to receive from us the knowing of how to receive money as love. For some of our children, ego creates negative energy attached to money. Stop conflict with ego now and accept money as received in all forms of love vibration. Allowing ego to over-ride the knowing of trust in receiving money; perhaps will create experiences of lack or struggle; therefore, accept and acknowledge ego for the lessons perceived in your now and shift your focus to NOW and TRUST. WE acknowledge the lessons from ego in your physical realm of existence, be open to accept your Divine Truth of knowing money is love and ALL are to be open to receive. Learn to accept ego and free will in your NOW as lessons and let go of blocks or beliefs that pull your focus to past or future. Trust in your NOW to receive money as love. NOW is the time to FOCUS on all you are open to receive and ASK for assistance to remove blocks (feelings, beliefs, experiences, and actions) which perhaps are affecting your NOW. Set intention and actions in place which support your TRUST and KNOWING of Money as Love and ALL is in balance. RECEIVE NOW.
And So it Is.”
The post Archangel Raguel Message for Sept 2015 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.