“My children; your physical being is your vessel of light. Yes, my children you learn and have lessons with your physical being. Your physical realm has vibration. Understand the importance of health within this realm of existence. Your NOW is how you understand your physical. Focus on the NOW of your health, stop from focusing on past or future. How do you take care of your physical NOW? Your vibration is connected to your cell being. Healthy cells create healthy body. Your NOW energy can focus on cell health. Yes, you understand the importance of proper nutrition, movement, flexibility, sleep, relaxation; my children you each have choice of your focus with all mentioned. WE ask you to also focus on the health of your cells that make up your physical being. Allow us to assist in physical health. Give permission by asking! Please say this statement with us. “I allow Archangel Raphael and team to bring my cell vibration to my healthy norm for healing, rejuvenation, and natural growth and change. I allow assistance from the angels to help bring my cell energy up in vibration to boost my immune system, and to stop outside environment influence from penetrating my cell being. I AM IN PERFECT HEALTH AND ALLOW MY ANGEL TEAM TO ASSIST IN MY KNOWING OF THIS TRUTH. My children; physical illness is a creation or lesson you have created (for the purpose of learning). Receive the lesson and allow for change; or accept the lesson and consider yourself in perfect health in your current state. (Cindy’s explanation: Accept that you are in perfect health even if you have a dis-ease or an imbalanced state based on other’s perceptions.) In your truth my children be in your NOW, take care of you physical and enjoy your physical as it is NOW. I AM IN MY PERFECT HEALTH NOW.”
The post Archangel Raphael Message for Mar 2014 appeared first on Cindy Smith AEP.