Dear Angel Friends,
Happy New Year! Let us set intention together for a Year of Peace, Harmony and Wellness. I have been guided to channel Archangel Raziel for this message to start our year off because I refer to Archangel Raziel as the magician. He is strong in guiding and assisting us to manifest all we desire. For me, I believe it is important to bring focus and intention to all I would like to create in the upcoming year. I take personal time to map out a general overview of the future year, 2021. My mapping process for the upcoming year starts by making sure to clear the vibration from 2020 first, ALL the Vibration which no longer serves me. Then I will create my map for 2021. I have asked Archangel Raziel to assist with Divine tools to assist you and your creative flow.
I am asking Divine Source to surround each of you with Inspiration and Empowerment to ASK Archangel Raziel to assist in creating/manifesting an amazing 2021 Year!
In addition, Archangel Raziel is the Archangel we are working with for the month of January in the Empowerment of Light Community. You can join at any time.
“My children use your creative ability to create a tool in which you set intention for your next Physical Year of Time. Whichever tool you choose to use, to bring focus to your future; ASK for Assistance and Guidance to manifest ALL, into your reality. ASK us the Divine to communicate with you to keep you on the correct journey for future outcomes and intentions.
Perhaps tools in your creative tool box are;
My children, trust in your Divine Knowing of Manifesting tools we can create with YOU. Be in your NOW time as you create your future, acknowledging significant time is in your NOW reality. WE create your future with you in your NOW VIBRATION.
And So it IS,
Archangel Raziel