With Hands on Healing Cindy and I (and of course the practitioners) have noticed that client’s pain scores decreased (even after just 1 or 2 sessions!). They also sleep better and experience less anxiety. Chronic pain causes the adrenal glands to regularly produce cortisol. The cortisol stimulates the body to produce neurotransmitters (like epinephrine, norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine), which eventually stresses the body – it cannot keep up producing these neurotransmitters. This affect the quality of sleep, depletes the body’s energy, affect the mood (more anxious/ depressed) and can even cause weight gain (the body tries to store as much energy as it can, because cortisol tells the body it is stressed!). With HOH we talk to the body on a cellular level (and also to the unconscious mind to change our cell memory!) and this lowers the cortisol levels. There has been studies done that shows relaxation techniques (like meditation, yoga, calming music, being out in nature, etc.) indeed lowers the cortisol levels. This decreases the pain reception, improves our quality of sleep and causes less anxiety. When we sleep more restful, our body is able to balance itself more effectively (with regards to energy storage, removing toxins, pH balance, mineral, hormone and neurotransmitter balance). This allows the immune system to function better and allows us to heal! It is amazing to see the assessment forms, to see how clients improve at the onset. With continued healing sessions, affirmations and focus on health, clients can truly change their lives from illness to perfect health!