Do you have the desire or pull to help people? Do you yearn to step into your full potential as a healer? Would you like to create a business as a healer and fulfill your life purpose? Or perhaps you work in healing modalities and would like to add to your skill set. Angel Empowerment Hands on Healing will create an avenue to become a healer working with clients and/or perhaps your desire is to heal yourself and/or assist family. This program was developed to give you confidence in stepping into the world of healing by providing:
- Steps to follow with structure
- Techniques to follow
- Forms to document clients healing journey
- Adhere to a code of ethics
- Professionalism for the well-being of clients and self
The co-founders Dr. Carl Le Roux and Cindy Smith believe in the core foundation of change and healing by working with the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, Aumakua) and the physical body through the power of thought. Dr. Carl created language designed to talk to the body. As you the Practitioner are the conduit of Archangel Raphael’s healing vibration you will be stating out loud healing language for your client to repeat as he/she receives. Therefore, allowing healing in both a conscious and unconscious state.