Christina Graham

Home: Belfast, Ireland

Home Phone: +44 7779 283407
Personal Email: [email protected] A soundtrack to contemplate…

It’s time – for love!

What is optimal wellness to you?

We are born to THRIVE and I would love to help empower you to take total ownership of YOUR life with the loving, calming and healing energy of Archangel Raphael and the full Archangel team! Did you know we have a Divine team on our side that is always with us and waiting to assist, when we ASK?

We empower ourselves and others when we take responsibility for the thoughts and vibes we share with ourselves and the world. Loving kindness begins at home. With the powerful combination of Archangels’ love and the love you consciously speak to yourself (your mind, body and spirit) with the healing language developed by Dr. Carl Le Roux, YOU have the power to change your physical reality for the better. It’s time to run a more helpful script for our reality!

Our conscious mind speaks to our unconscious mind, which acts as a computer and runs whatever ‘programs’ it is directed to via our thoughts. The healing language speaks consciously to this computer and directs it to run much more helpful programs for our optimal wellbeing, with language specifically targeted to restore balance and ease whatever dis-ease we have been experiencing.

You know the how the saying goes… “If you believe you can or you believe you can’t – you’re right!”

With belief, magic happens!

When you ask for a car parking space and one appears, or you think of someone and they phone… this is in response to your thoughts being sent out into the universe.

Where the attention goes, the energy flows! J

With Hands on Healing, you place your attention on how you would prefer your body to operate (Dr. Le Roux helps with this piece!) and with healing statements and Archangel Raphael, the energy flows there to make that so.

I believe we can all be healed, whole, magnificent and in perfect health now. When we share a session together, this is my expectation and projection for us both – so you can then feel permission to BE healed, whole, magnificent and in perfect health and this can be actioned when you ASK.

This is truly an amazing experience, to feel the effects of the power of our mind and thinking thoughts which align to the blueprint of our perfect health as known by our higher selves.

I travelled from Ireland to Canada specifically to train to be a Hands on Healer, following the ‘breadcrumbs of excitement’ and have consistently proven to myself that when we think about what we want – it comes!

After over 30 years of seeking, this is the most loving, efficient, kind and powerful treatment I have found to assist in the relief of dis-ease that has physically manifested. With Hands on Healing, you clean up your mental and emotional beliefs en route as you begin to experience the impact of how our thoughts determine our very existence!

Let us come together to be in perfect health now – to be healed, whole and magnificent! It is my joy to share the loving relief these treatments bring – knowing you have the power to change your situation and that you have a Divine team at your back. J

In love and light,


As some wise spell-casters, wordsmiths and songwriters once wrote:

You can do magic

You can have anything that you desire

Magic, and you know

You’re the one who can put out the fire

You know darn well

When you cast your spell you will get your way

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