Christmas With Our Loved Ones In The White Light

Michelle Babychuk • December 15, 2020

     Christmas is just around the corner and if you are anything like me, you are thinking of past Christmases when your loved ones were with you. It is of great comfort to know that they can be with us spiritually. When you do think of a loved one suddenly, out of the blue, chances are that they are by your side at that moment in time. Take comfort in knowing that they can hear you talking to them and often will give you a sign that they are near. It might be a song on the radio or perhaps you will physically feel a gentle hug or slight touch on your hair or skin.

     Our loved ones will be forever in our hearts and memories. The Christmas season is a time of celebration. Know that your loved one is with you as you take in the joy of the season. Take a moment to talk to your loved one, as if they are sitting right beside you, this Christmas. They will hear your words. Listen to your favorite Christmas songs and sing along to them and know that your loved ones are singing along with you, by your side.  Remember your loved ones with fondness and love and know that they are with you,

     One of my favorite Christmas memories is growing up and going to my grandparents houses. At one house, the adults would all bundle up and walk door to door in town singing Christmas carols, sharing with the neighbors and friends yearly. At the other grandparents house, my sisters and I would sing Ukrainian Christmas carols for my grandparents, who beamed with joy as we sang. (On a side note, I do not talk Ukrainian, but knew all the carols.) Every year at this time I play those Ukrainian Christmas carols and sing along. I feel my grandparents with me as I do so. These memories are near and dear to me, decades later, and are a part of me and I will always cherish them. 

     Make some treasured memories with your loved ones who are in the physical, as you share memories of your loved ones who are in the white light.

     Please feel free to share your memories in the comments below. Have a merry Christmas. Michelle

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