Nationally Certified Coach
Certified Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner
Certified AEP Hands on Healing (HOH) Practitioner
Certified Connect to Your Own Power Instructor
Cynthia also is certificated as a Crystal Healing Teacher, Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki Master
Teacher, Crystal Reader, Realm Reader and she is a Certified Fairyologist and Angelologist.
Cynthia has worked with manifesting energy all her adult life and she has been able to create abundance in her life. (Semi-retire at 50) Cynthia has recently started working with Divine Healing Energy with the Archangels and has had a remarkable improvement to her health and wellbeing. Cynthia would love to
share this Divine Healing Energy with family, friends and clients. With Cynthia special gifts, coaching experience, manifesting and crystal knowledge, she is able to coach clients and provide them with a unique and amazing Angel card reading and Archangel Hands on Healing experience.