C I N D Y  S M I T H

Circle of Light Meditation

circle of light meditation

Circle of Light Meditation Instruction

How is the Circle of Light Created? Each person who listens to the meditation at any given moment of time is included in the Circle of Light. Divine Source takes care of the Circle for us. Before you start the meditation set your intention of vibration to be added to the Circle for all involved around the world. You can also add names to the Circle to be more specific for Healing. I have been guided to change the request of us all mediating at the same time. Now we can listen at anytime during our day to keep increasing the vibration within the Circle of Light. Keep your frequency/vibration intact - reminder the Angels are only using the extra we have all created in the Circle as a collective group of Light.

I give to the Divine my intention to co-create within the circle of light a world filled with love, peace & joy that is free from COVID-19.

Please place a name of a loved one who needs extra healing and protection into the circle along with the above intention.

What change would you like to co-create with the circle of light & the COVID-19 virus?
Only need to fill in one time. Cindy will add your name and intention to the Circle of Light in vibration only. NO SHARED CONTENT OR NAME WITH OTHERS

Circle of Light

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  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Display & Brightness
  3. Set Auto-Lock to NEVER

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Use this deck during this time to receive more guidance from your angels


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