My Children,
The sense of ticking your insides with butterfly flutters will bring awareness to our Mother Earth.
The speed of healing can be done swiftly.
All that is created from Mother Earth is a great healer.
All Earth creators have a special beautiful part in this creation.
Working hand and hand will make great leaps of world wide wellness. We are capable of healing and achieving greatness.
Become aware of your gift. Your day to day gifts in all you can heal.
Start with one word, one step of wellness as small as hug of a tree, or a comment to a plant of their beauty.
All that is spoken is heard. All that is, is put out. Is felt. Call upon us for healing we stand strong with Mother Earth.
My Children,
Peace, Healing, Goodness, Think of a chain link fence, How it is” ALL” connected.
In Deep Gratitude