Huna Message for November 2024

Cindy Smith • November 4, 2024

Cindy's Message for November 2024

Dear Angel Friends

I was guided to pull a card for this month from the Mana Cards Deck – The Power of Hawaiian Wisdom, by Catherine Kalama Becker & Doya Nardin. I am very excited to be going to the Big Island of Hawaii and having people join me on tour to foster their own love and experience of Hawaii. This deck is new to me but was happy when the Huna Card was pulled for this month. Below is the interpretation from the authors of this Card being pulled for us to contemplate the meaning for the month of November. I suggest taking the time and reflect on what the seven principles mean for you and why was this card pulled for us all? I send gratitude to Catherine and Doya for creating the deck with their knowledge and to all Kahunas, of past and present, and Hawaiian Spiritual teachers for sharing their wisdom and allowing Huna to no longer be a secret. 

A group of people are standing around a bride and groom holding hands.

I was blessed to be part of the first level class of Huna, taught by Richard (Po’okela) Hunt (10 days on the Big Island) in 2003. I realized several years later why Huna teachings became part of my life purpose as Archangel Michael  guided me to use the below seven principles within my own personal journey and life purpose of working with the Divine and empowering others.

In Love and Light,

Cindy Smith

Interpretation of the Huna Card Pulled:

Sometimes we place Kapu on ourselves that restrict and limit our possibilities. Moving beyond such limitations requires that we increase our possibilities by becoming aware of alternatives. One way to do so is to draw upon a philosophy called Huna, a blend of Hawaiian and Western teachings, that is based on the seven principles:

  1. “You create your own reality (‘Ike).”
  2. “You are unlimited (Kala).”
  3. “You get what you concentrate on (Makia).”
  4. “The moment of power is now (Manawa).”
  5. “To love is to be happy with (Aloha).”
  6. “All power comes from within (Mana).”
  7. “Effectiveness is the measure of truth (Pono).”

Use these principles to look for the hidden possibilities in any situation. 

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