Intention Matters by Rhonda Schaan and Archangel Jeremiel

Rhonda Schaan • December 31, 2022

Intention Matters by Rhonda Schaan and Archangel Jeremiel

Rhonda's Personal Message

As the year 2022 ends and 2023 begins, it is a time for reflection and New Beginnings.

Every New Year’s Eve, I create intention as to what I desire to happen in the upcoming year.

Many people do a New Year’s Resolution, with many not following through after January 10th.

Creating intention allows you to create a plan and to move forward as you see fit.

It allows for possible setbacks and obstacles down the road.

However, when you know and envision the outcome, it allows you to be flexible in your approach and timing to reach the end goal.

I have a ritual that I like to do on New Year’s Eve.

I will light some candles, call in my Divine Team and start with my vision board.

After completing my vision board, I will channel a letter from one of my team members, usually Archangel Gabriel, regarding what I desire to call in for the upcoming year.

Then I will write a letter to myself as well as how it might look and come up with a plan so I can stay committed to it. On New Year’s Day, I review my vision board that I did the previous year and open my letter to see what my intention was for that year.

As a result of this activity, I was inspired to write a course about Finding Your Purpose and Discovering Your Why. This course was Divinely Guided by Archangel Jeremiel.

The next date I will be hosting this session is Saturday January 7th, 2023, 1-5pm CST. 

Some background about Jeremiel: Archangel Jeremiel is the archangel you want to work with when doing your Life Review in your NOW.

He helps with dream interpretation and will assist you in what is serving you NOW and what you can release. He protects us when we Astral Travel at night as well will help Children with night terrors/nightmares to stop having them. 

Message from Archangel Jeremiel

“My children, as 2022 comes to a close, take a few moments and honour yourself for a job well done.

By acknowledging yourself, you are in gratitude for everything that you went through. Know that you are stronger and more resilient, and you are stepping into your own power.

Know that sometimes there are tough times when you are still standing and when you can call on the Divine, KNOW that your team is working alongside you to make everything smooth as POSSIBLE with ease and


TRUST that you are protected from messages you receive and that the messages the Divine gives will always be in Love and Light, and will never put you into fear.

Take some time to do self-reflection and self-care this month.

It is perfectly acceptable to give yourself a high-five for the work that you are doing, as this shows that you are aware of your power and that you are in GRATITUDE for everything that is going on in your life.

All my relations.”

Archangel Jeremiel

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