Happy New Year Everyone
May the year 2022 be all you desire it to BE. I am encouraged by Archangel Metatron’s message to experience our time as a gift of each moment. You will notice in his message I mentioned (Metatron chuckles), because I heard him chuckle as I was attempting to use my conscious mind to decipher his meaning of Physical and Universal time. It was a reminder to me to channel first and then see if it makes sense to me and you after.
Archangel Metatron also channeled new information for the Empowerment of Light Community titled:
Check out the Empowerment of Light Community, perhaps this is your way to make change in the year of 2022!
I was also guided to create a specific session for clients for the month of January.
Personal Guided Intention for 2022
Receive Guidance for Focused intention from your Angel Team
Clear any blocks from creating your success for 2022
Receive a written document with steps and guidance to put into action
January Only Book Session with Cindy (Discount Price Save 26%) $88.00 +tax for 1 hour.
Sending lots of Love and Light for the year 2022!
Cindy Smith
“My children, allow to experience time as a Gift of each moment. Be open to understand the concept of your Physical Time and Universal Time. Physical Time is your second to second in relevance to your physical matter. Consideration of the movement of molecules and atoms within and around you bring clarity to the matter of time. (Metatron chuckles) Your physical body holds you in a specific time frame from moment to moment on your physical plane. The Universal understanding of Time is the expansion of knowing time and its irrelevance to your present experience. My children, time is irrelevant if you stop from honoring each moment as a precious gift to be existing within.
My children, bring into focus the relevance of your moment of time as you begin your NEW year of 2022. Practice the statement, “Time is precious as I allow to experience the wonder of my observation with self and others as a light being of molecules and atoms.” TIME IS PRECIOUS ALLOW TO BE IN THIS MOMENT OF PHYSICAL TIME!
My children, conscious awareness of Universal Time versus your Physical Time will stop overwhelm and create a stronger connection with completion of your tasks of each moment. Ask us the Divine for assistance to bring more clarity to your awareness of time, especially if you begin to experience overwhelm or worry. Worry represents a concept which you feel you have the ability to control the future moments of your Universal time and change it. Change is created in your present moment as you trust in the relevance of time NOW. Manifest your future by being true to your Physical Time of Knowing and all you control is this gift of time NOW. BE your desire of future in your Physical Time NOW.
BE AS IT IS IN RELEVANCE TO YOUR CREATION OF TIME NOW. Continue to allow to experience time as a Gift of each moment.
And So it Is”
Archangel Metatron