Dear Angel Friends
I have been guided from Archangel Michael to keep the theme of HOPE for December, and build on the previous message and understanding as we move into the year of 2022. Archangel Michael has added to his message from November 2021 for December. As I mentioned in my last newsletter, I hesitated at first to discuss HOPE because I very rarely use this word. I have been teaching for years to stop from using the word hope because it has a connection to the future versus creating/manifesting in the now vibration.
Archangel Michael has guided me to reflect even more on how I can use the context of optimism, expectation with confidence, and desire for positive outcome all included in the theme of HOPE within my NOW Time. I highly suggest you take the time to explore the vibration of HOPE. How does HOPE present for you?
I am excited to explore with the Empowerment of Light Community an in-depth dive into the Theme of Hope with Archangel Michael.
Once again, I was guided to share the definition of hope.
Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: "expect with confidence" and "to cherish a desire with anticipation." It is an anticipatory emotion. Wikipedia
Collins dictionary: Hope a feeling of desire for something and confidence in the possibility of its fulfilment; a thing, situation or event that is desired; to trust, expect or believe
Michael gave me this message as I was preparing to channel December’s message, “Allow people to read and hear this message as an invitation to accept change as an experience of Hope and Knowing in the NOW and their future.”
I send out HOPE vibration to each of you during the holiday season. Enjoy your family connections with Love and Peace and Healing.
In Love and Light
Cindy Smith
My children, be open to receive new vibration of change Now and in the future months to BE. Lift your vibration of happiness to experience the sense of positive outcomes of change. Grasp the sense and understanding of Divine Hope which surrounds you NOW. Know and expect the positive change of Hope which allows you to openly receive Divine assistance and stop all experience of doubt or fear of your future. My children, be optimistic about your future to allow for positive experiences to unfold with ease and joy.
My children, take a few moments in your time to reflect on the meaning of Divine Hope for you NOW and ask to incorporate into your thoughts, actions and emotions the truth of Divine Hope.
Be true to your inner truth of hopefulness and prevent the social environment from affecting you.
My children, your social environment is frequency all around your existence on your physical plane. Frequency of vibration can enhance or decrease your vibrational experiences. Realize your concept of HOPE may diminish in a state of decreased vibration. ASK us the Divine to lift your frequency to allow for a much more positive concept of HOPE. ASK for guidance as to your steps to create HOPE with confidence and positive experiences. ASK us to enhance your social environment with an increased frequency and to attract experiences with positive emotions, actions, and people. As you attract, you will also share your bright light of HOPE and understanding with all around you in your Social Environment on a Universal Divine Frequency.
And So It is