Pat Guillemin

Work: 13th Avenue (Cathedral Area) & NW Regina, SK Regina SK

Work Phone: 306-537-6093
Work Email: [email protected]
Website: My Website

Certified Angel Empowerment Hands on Healing Practitioner

Angel Empowerment / Advanced Angel Empowerment Practitioner

Pat invites you to connect with her today and begin to take charge of your own wellness! Her desire is to help many others become empowered and to connect with their innate ability to improve health and wellbeing in all aspects including physical, emotional or mental. Pat is extremely compassionate, is sensitive to the needs of all individuals, and strives to be non-judgmental.

As clients go through the AE Hands on Healing treatment sessions with Pat, they will experience how the 3 minds work together with the healing energy of Archangel Raphael to promote healing at a cellular level. The practitioner acts as a conduit flowing the energy of Raphael; and the practitioner and client repeat phrases for maximum effectiveness. During the sessions, Pat will incorporate angel techniques when required, such as chakra balancing, chord cutting, past lives healing, energy release and more.

In 2014, Pat travelled to Ireland and took the Angel Empowerment Course, learning angel card readings and techniques. She later completed the Hands on Healing training, requirements and practitioner certification, as well as the Advanced Angel Empowerment training. Pat welcomes clients in Regina, as well as southern and central Saskatchewan.

NOW let’s get started with YOUR amazing journey to empowerment and wellbeing by calling or emailing Pat today!

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