Robbin Renee Corsiatto AAEP, HOHP
Certified Advanced Angel Empowerment Hands on Healing Practitioner,
Certified; Connect to Your Own Power Instructor
Based out of Olds, AB for 25+ years, Robbin and husband have six grown children, five grandchildren, 4 grand-dogs, and a cat.
Empowerment of others has always been a passion for Robbin. With a 20 + year background in building community to enrich people’s quality of life through program and service development, Robbin has continued to evolve her passions on a deeper level with certifications as Advanced AEP and Hands on Healing Practitioner.
The NEW Hands on Healing Program was founded in 2015 by Cindy Smith (Angel Empowerment Program™; Calgary, AB) and Dr. Carl Le Roux (Family Physician; Saskatoon SK,).
Similar to Reiki in that it utilizes ’source energy’, the Hands on Healing (HOH) program utilizes the Divine Energy of Archangel Raphael. In addition, a key element of this powerful healing modality is that clients repeat medical language that speaks directly to their Un-Conscious, Conscious, and Higher Conscious minds, allowing change to happen on a cellular level.
HoH Practitioners may also use a variety of energy release techniques to assist clients in removing self- limiting belief patterns that block self-healing, allowing them to reach their optimum health & wellbeing potential. Some techniques that may be included are:
Past Life Healing, Energy Block Release, Belief Pattern Change, Chakra Clearing and Balancing, 3rd Eye Clearing, Energy Cord Cutting, Contract and Vow Removal, Energy Shielding and more.
This truly holistic approach engages the physical, spiritual, emotional and mental wellbeing of clients; healing both general and specific illnesses and symptoms.
Robbin’s passion and ability to assist individuals on their journey to heal, reach optimal wellness, and to live a more fulfilling life is empowering and life changing.
To start your Hands on Healing session with Robbin, contact one of the following locations:
5303-50 Ave, Olds AB
Ph.: 403.556.4004
5221-46 St. Olds AB
Ph: 403-507-2772
Or contact Robbin directly @ 403.586.1070 or Email; [email protected]