Inspire change and healing with the Divine and Crystal Vibration
Crystal Package to Enhance Healing Experience
The crystals have been chosen with care and set with intention for your Oracle Card Deck. There are 44 Cards and 36 crystals. A few crystals were used more than once within the Oracle Deck. For example Rose Quartz is used with the Forgiveness Card/Archangel Zadkiel and with Self-Love and Respect Card/Archangel Jophiel
Cindy Smith started following her truelife path as a Healer and Instructor in 2008. She holds a Substance Abuse Counselling Diploma and has years of Child and Youth Care experience. She is also a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Medium in combination with this background and other modalities like her Masters in Time Line Therapy & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Huna teachings. Cindy brings a well rounded and grounded approach to connecting you with your angel team and empowering you to move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”
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