To become an Angel Empowerment Practitioner™ Hands on Healer involves two courses:
First complete the Angel Empowerment Practitioner™ Course (AEP™) taught by Cindy Smith (founder/facilitator). Subsequently you will take the Angel Empowerment Practitioner™ Hands on Healer course which is taught and facilitated by Cindy Smith AEP & Sam Bell.
The first level AEP™ provides you with a foundation of trusting in your intuitive Angel Team and gaining experience with learning to be a conduit of Divine Healing. There is no requirement to become a certified AEP™ before participating in the AEP Hands on Healing course. Main purpose for taking this course first is to build your confidence and learn the basic Angel Techniques.
Some key skills taught, chakra understanding and clearing, power of thought and working with Archangels to learn several techniques such as Angel Card readings, Energy Cord Changing, using a Rainbow Shield, Energy Ball Releasement, Belief Pattern Change, Past Life Healing and the basics of Mediumship and much more…
Angel Empowerment Practitioner™ Hands on Healing
This program was developed to build on your AEP™ skill set and give you confidence while stepping into the world of healing. Below are a few examples of core basics in the Course:
The co-founders Dr. Carl Le Roux and Cindy Smith believe in the core foundation of change and healing by working with the 3 minds (conscious, unconscious, Aumakua) and the physical body through the power of thought. Dr. Carl created language designed to talk to the body. As you the Practitioner are the conduit of Archangel Raphael’s healing vibration you will be stating out loud healing language for your client to repeat as he/she receives. Therefore, allowing healing in both a conscious and unconscious state.
Cindy Smith started following her truelife path as a Healer and Instructor in 2008. She holds a Substance Abuse Counselling Diploma and has years of Child and Youth Care experience. She is also a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Medium in combination with this background and other modalities like her Masters in Time Line Therapy & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Huna teachings. Cindy brings a well rounded and grounded approach to connecting you with your angel team and empowering you to move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”
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