The recorded version of the Nature Angel Webinar - an introduction to the Fairy Realm" assist you to create your own unique connection with the Fairies. Gain tools to understand the many ways the Fairies can assist you in your everyday life. The recording follows a PowerPoint presentation and once purchased you can access this information at anytime. Have fun connecting with the Fairies!
Cindy Smith started following her truelife path as a Healer and Instructor in 2008. She holds a Substance Abuse Counselling Diploma and has years of Child and Youth Care experience. She is also a certified Angel Therapy Practitioner® and Medium in combination with this background and other modalities like her Masters in Time Line Therapy & NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Huna teachings. Cindy brings a well rounded and grounded approach to connecting you with your angel team and empowering you to move from “I CAN’T” TO “I CAN!”