Michelle's Personal Message
For the month of March Archangel Daniel stepped forward and channeled a message.
After receiving the message I thought that I would google the meaning of “strength”
The dictionary explains strength as “the quality or state of being physically strong”.
I feel that a person has emotional (or mental) strength as well as physical.
As a child we use our emotional strength to conquer our fears, such as going to school for the first time and being around strangers. For many it may not seem like a fear but I personally had such fears.
It was my emotional strength that served me well as a child and still helps me daily as an adult. While some use their physical strength to get them through the day, many also use their emotional strength. Both strengths are of equal importance.
When faced with an obstacle that may seem hard to overcome look within and call upon your strength, physical or emotional, to conquer that obstacle. Know that you are strong enough to conquer any obstacle that comes your way.
Michelle assists clients by being a conduit for Spirit to give messages to their loved ones who are still in the physical realm. As she works with Spirit, Michelle uses Angel Empowerment tools to give comfort and connection and enhance the client’s healing journey.
Michelle’s personal experience of connecting with the Spirit World since childhood and her studies to become certified in the Realm of Mediumship and Angel Empowerment allows her to present a balanced, skilled approach to Spiritual Mediumship. Michelle’s life purpose is to give a voice to those who cannot be heard, and remove fear of the unknown.
Michelle has created two oracle decks. Messages From Your Ancestral Guides was created with a family member who is in the White Light. The deck is universal and can be used in mediumship or angel card readings.
With guidance from Archangel Daniel, Michelle created the deck Whispered Messages of Love.
Michelle works closely with Archangel Daniel, known as the angel of marriage, who assists in relationships with self and others. He also assists with your personal spiritual growth, living your soul’s purpose and living your life to its fullest potential.
Archangel Daniel Message Channeled by Michelle
My children, within all is the deep rooted strength to endure all that comes your way.
This strength has unlimited potential. It is there for all to connect with when needed.
Allow us, the Divine, to assist when you are unsure of your next step, for we can assist you with connecting to your inner strength.
Trust that you have all you need within, for you, yourself, are a tower of strength and resilience.
You are strong. Connect with your inner strength and know that we are with you as you step forward on your path.
Trust that we, the Divine, are with you as you have asked.