C I N D Y  S M I T H

World Peace and Protection Meditation

World Peace and Protection Meditation Instruction

Dear Angel Friends,

I was guided to create a meditation "Archangel Sandalphon and Archangel Michael World Peace and Protection", for us all to listen to and send extra love and light, peace and protection during this time of war on the Ukraine Country and people. I stated location versus Ukraine; therefore, you can add the places you would like extra help sent too.

Please note it is most important for you to be the conduit only of the Divine only and keep your vibration and energy intact.

Here is an example of one of the statements during the Meditation; "Allow our thoughts and desires and prayers of peace and love and light to float on the wings of the Angels. Asking our Creator to give Divine Guidance to his Angels of Peace and Protection."

Thank you for being the conduit of Divine Light!

Some iPhone users may have to turn off their sleep mode in order to listen to the recording in entirety. Please follow these steps:
  1. Go to Settings
  2. Select Display & Brightness
  3. Set Auto-Lock to NEVER

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Use this deck during this time to receive more guidance from your angels


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