Donna's Personal Message
I sat down to channel a message from an Archangel for February, and instead, a
message came through, stating from Dharma. I have never connected with the vibration
of Dharma before and knew very little about the vibration.
I googled Dharma, in short this is the description:
What is the basic believe of Dharma?
Universal Law of Nature
The knowledge is believed to have previously been taught for millions of years only with
an “Ascended Master” retreats and “Mystery schools”
Channeled Message from Dharma
'Always time for new Love'
This is a time of reflection. In the stillness all thoughts will connect.
The sense of the unknown will become clear, and come with out fear.
Trust and know all is right and in alignment.
Now begin the healing through transparent eyes.
The pursuit of pure Love for all with endless new beginnings.
We are limitless.
And so it is..
Dharma Vibration