Dear Angel Friends,
I am sending Angel Blessings to you and your family during the Christmas Season. I love this time of year for many reasons - gathering with family and friends, traditions that mean so much to me and my adult children, sharing the Christmas Spirit of joy and love with everyone around me. I love listening to Christmas carols, decorating the tree, and the list goes on. I especially love all the extra Angel decorations that are displayed this time of year! I know for some you may find this Season difficult due to missing someone you love or from experiential difficulty. Please ASK for extra support from your Angel Team and from friends and family.
ASK and receive the Spirit of Love and Divine into your heart and allow this Christmas Season to lift your Spirit.
In Love and Light Cindy
Christmas Spirit
My Children, we the Divine Archangels witness your Christmas Spirit and Divine Spirit during this time of your calendar year. We refer to your Christmas Spirit as Divine Spirit as we do every moment in your time. Divine Spirit is GIVING Divine Love, joy, happiness and guidance now and always. Your Christmas Spirit is also centred on giving or sharing love, joy, kindness, compassion, peace and more. Awareness is your key to true understanding of your Christmas Spirit.
During this time of year your memories are strong with reflection. We encourage you to bring the positive joy filled memories to your NOW vibration which will attract and increase more joy during this time of year. Perhaps ponder how the Spirit of Christmas brings you joy. ASK us to increase your opportunities to experience and reflect on Christmas Spirit/Divine Spirit within and around you. We will increase your awareness and perception of Divine Spirit using all of your senses. Ask us to fill your heart with Joy and Love to increase your ability to share more with others near and far.
Be happy my children, and enjoy this time of increased awareness of all the positive vibration within and around you.
And So it Is
Archangel Michael.