Archangel Michael Message October 2020

Conscious Commerce • September 28, 2020

Cindy Smith Angel Message October 2020

Dear Angel Friends

The theme for October is Divine Spark and White Light Circle.

I have never channelled, in this way below, a direct message from Archangel Michael concerning White Light and the Circle. I can see and feel the vision Michael is ASKING us to do to assist the Divine in creating change and increasing protection, healing and harmony. As you will read on my website the change I was guided to make regarding the Circle of Light Meditation. I have really been enjoying the meditation each day as I chose different locations to connect with as I flow the vibration to increase the Circle of Light. I would love if you could take the time whenever you can to increase your vibration first and send extra to the Circle of Light. The meditation is complimentary on my website, download and enjoy.

In this case the more the better, so share with friends and family. I would love for you to tag me on social media the locations and times you listen to the Circle of Light Meditation. Let’s stay connected!

In Love and Light


Archangel Michael Message for October 2020

“My children white light is our vibrational source connected to your Divine Spark within. Allow to see within your physical vibration the sparkles of white light moving with focus from your core spark. With intention the Divine sparkles of light manifests into a beam for several purposes. The beam increases your physical vibration through your energy centres and core spark. Set purpose to use your beam of white light to surround your aura for protection and attraction of Divine Love. Be purposeful to connect your core self with your Higher Self to be connected to the ALL of Divine Source. With intention the beam of white light can hold vibration in quantum space as a continuous circle for the purpose of healing, calmness, protection, love, peace, joy, abundance and harmony.


My children, we will hold the quantum space for each of you to join together and set your intention and connection to the Circle of Light. During daily intention allows us the Divine to boost the vibration of intention you desire to create as ONENESS in your physical form. The increase in numbers of physical human’s and free-will allows us the Divine to expand and strengthen the Circle of Light.


And so, it Is.”

Archangel Michael.

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