Archangel Raguel January 2023 Message

Cindy Smith • January 20, 2023

Message from Cindy

Wow, we are already 19 days into year 2023. Sending out love and light to everyone and trust 2023 to be an awesome year for you and family. On Jan 16th my Co-host Sam Bell and I hosted our Angel Empowerment Podcast Show with the theme ‘Judgement versus Acceptance’. The reason I chose this topic is I had one of those aw ha moment’s during the holidays, on how easy it is to feel judgement sometimes when it is family. I think of myself as mostly a non-judgemental person; however, during the holidays something shifted for me. Is it because I want what I think is best for family? Or am I being triggered from some of my choices in past? Do I expect more from family? I started to ponder on overall judgement and what am I projecting out to the Universe. I have taught to students for years; if you are judging others then you are opening yourself to be judged from other people also. Perhaps it is your turn to ponder judgement and what does it mean to you. If you have the time listen to our recording of the Angel Empowerment Podcast show and read the message below from Archangel Raguel. 

In Love and Light Cindy

Archangel Raguel Message January 2023

Stop Negative Judgement 

“My children develop an awareness of when you are in a negative state of judgement towards yourself or others. The understanding of Judgement exists in the realm of punishment for actions perceived as wrong. Judgement creates the opposite of acceptance and, therefore blocks your own personal growth of perceiving self as love and accepting others’ journey as their own truth. My children love and accept yourself NOW as the Divine Being you are, and stop allowing judgement in any form toward self and others. Believe in the ability to be accepted through lessons and your perception of mistakes as you forgive self and others. Be true to you and accept your own lessons as you make change in perceiving self on a journey to learn and accept.”

So it Is, Archangel Raguel

And So it Is

Archangel Raguel. 

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