Dear Angel Friends
I was reminded that this month is my CELEBRATION MONTH OF 15 YEARS teaching and working with the Angels. I hosted my first 1-day workshop Aug 2008 and Hosted the first International Angel Day at the Kingfisher in Comox BC September 2008! I am so happy I have kept all the files over the last 15 years of sharing Divine Messages. For some, you have been with me since the beginning and thank you for your encouragement to continue to do what I love. I continue to learn and trust with my Angel Team, but wow how my guidance has changed over the years when taking care of my energy and teaching you. Enjoy this message from 14 years ago! I have also shared with you my first picture I used to advertise way back when……..
Sending everyone Love and Light for sharing your journey with me for the last 15 Years. I am blessed with all the like-minded souls I have met and I cherish your imprint you have on my soul!!
Continue to enjoy your Summer,
In Love and Light
Cindy Smith
August 16, 2009
“Clearing! Important to continuously clear your energies, within and outside your physical body. Due to the higher vibrational energy on your earth your energy is becoming more magnetized to energy around you. Keep your own vibrational energy clear and you will attract clear and powerful energy to you also. Allow mine and other divine light to penetrate your energy within and on the outside. Just ask for our assistance with divine light. My children we need you to understand the importance of your energy flow. We can see changes in colours and slower movement in some of your energy centres. Ask and we will guide you as to what centres to focus on for change. We continue to expand Cindy’s awareness around her own energy centres and more to do to assist you. I am going to give Cindy a picture to describe.”
Picture: Energy centres that are slower than normal are like magnets pulling in tiny particles of debris, like little planets pulling energy in. He shows me centres that are at right speed, they attract same positive energy. Slower speed allows negative energy to penetrate. All to do with speed and vibration.
Michael states, “You need your centres moving at correct speed and clear to dispel any unwanted energy from your whole bodies, as Cindy’s language would say, spiritual, emotional, mental & physical bodies. Ask and we will work with your vibration my children. It is not improper or proper to ask for assistance every day, we are here for you at any given moment in your realm.” Archangel Michael.