I was guided to continue our focus on Intuition for August, and to highlight two more of our senses to communicate with our Angel Team. Read below for how to use clairsentience (feeling) and clairaudience (hearing) to trust your Intuition and Connection. Refer to the July message for the description of Angel Team and the other two clair senses - clairvoyance and claircognizance.
Some examples of why I believe paying attention and using my senses to connect to my Angel Team is important in my day-to-day life:
I am sharing the basics of how my Angel Team uses these senses with me every day. I encourage you to set the intention of using your senses similarly with expansion on ways you can be creative in working with your Angels. I trust some of my examples will be helpful to you.
Clairsentience means “clear feeling”. Clair refers to clarity. When we are working with our Angel Team, more clarity makes it easier for us. Instead of using the long word clairsentience I will use “feeling”.
Following is an example of how I feel the pressure change like a hug. Put your hands together and rub them building friction or energy. When you feel the heat starting to begin, pull your hands about one foot apart and move them back almost together again without touching. Do this action step 4 or 5 times. Can you feel the pressure of energy? Keep doing it until you can feel it. It is almost like the energy wants to stop your hands from closing back together. That slight pressure change of energy you feel between your hands is what I feel when one of my Angels gives me a hug. I ask for a hug on occasion when I need a boost and it allows me to feel so loved and comforted.
Your Angel Team is connected to your feelings; ASK to use them for communication.
Clairaudience: means “clear hearing”. I refer to this sense as hearing thoughts from my team.
The following are a few examples of how my team uses my hearing to communicate with me:
This ringing only lasts 5-10 seconds and can be either left or right ear. When I hear the ringing it is a sign of confirmation; eg. pay attention to what I am reading, speaking, or writing. Or I look around in my environment, what am I missing?
Your Angel Team knows your strengths with thoughts and hearing; trust in what they present to you.
Intuition is your birthright in physical form. As we all have free will and ego, it is most important to ASK your Angel Team for assistance and then learn to pay attention!
Continue to enjoy your Summer,
In Love and Light
Cindy Smith