Donna's Personal Message
I am very fortune that I have been touched by a Christmas Spirit.
In 2019, just a few days before Christmas, it was at 4am, I awoke and wondered, do I get up to use the washroom, or will I just slip back to sleep?
I felt a pressure on my chest. For a moment, I thought am I having a heart attack? Then the pressure lifted a bit as if someone heard me.
I opened my eyes and saw a smoky mist pressing my body. Through this mist my moms face appeared while I was still, with my eyes wide open. For only a moment I felt panicked. I remember reading about this, Apparitions.
Her face spoke, the words were clear. She said” I Love You.”
The pressure on my chest was now lifted. The apparition was floating off to left of me. I quickly said, ‘wait don’t go I Love you too!’
Then in the blink of an eye it was gone.
I thought to myself, am I dreaming. No, I was clearly wake.
I got out of bed to use the washroom. Slipped into the kitchen for a sip of water.
As I stood at the sink still and slightly affected at what had just happened.
I spoke to my Divine team. Ok, if this really happened, I want a sign. Like a feather.
Not by my bed, where a feather could easily pop out of the down quilt. Somewhere that the feather would be out of place.
I slipped back to bed and quickly went to sleep.
The morning came, and I quickly went back to my 4am wake up.
My Mom and I were close. Not just Mother and daughter, but friends.
We shared the same humor, fashion quirks, softness for underdogs, and so much more. She passed away in 2008. I had never had a visit from her or even a dream.
I often wished she would come, pop in and say I am ok or just for me to keep my chin up when life feels to heavy.
So, there I was with this beautiful message from my mom “I Love you!’ I was asking for a feather to be sure after all this time it was her.
I walked in to my living room where the Christmas tree was standing, I was thinking I need to wiggle my way to the back of the tree to plug the lights in.
As I had gotten to the back of the tree, bending down to plug them in, lying beside the plug, there it was a white feather.
My heart instantly filled with joy and gratitude
Touched by the Christmas Spirit
In Love and Light
Donna Miller
Message from Archangel Metatron
My Children,
Bring forward the joy in healing through sight.
Finding the Love in the small gifts that are brought forward.
Look in the eyes of the young . See the innocents, pureness of knowing of themselves as perfection.
Learn from the children. They are your leaders for tomorrow.
You perhaps will receive many lessons of values from them which may seem to be lost.
Listen to the sounds children hear.
Each ringing of bells, words in songs. Listen to what they hear. Take time .They have a calling for peace.
They know the excitement that joy brings. They are your future, they will shape your future world.
Trust in their innocence and trust in your inner child.
Each year at this time, it allows you to remember the joy as a child.
To keep you fresh in your thoughts.
Love and Joy like a child increases a stronger connection for Divine source.
And So it Is