Manifest Wellness and Physical Health - January 2021

Cindy Smith • January 15, 2021

Cindy Message January 15 2021

Our focus for January is manifesting for the year to come. I decided to continue the theme of manifesting and bring more focus to health and wellness. If you are like me I tend to set new year resolutions for actions related to health for the upcoming year. Some actions I follow thru with and some I let go quickly. This year I have been focusing on realistic goals for my wellbeing, and ASKING my Divine Team to help keep me on track. I am guided to channel a message from Archangel Raphael about manifesting wellness and realistic actions.

Sending Wellness, Peace and protection from the Divine during this time of change.

In Love and Light Cindy

Archangel Raphael Message Jan 2021 - Manifest Wellness and Physical Health

“My children, manifesting health and wellness begins with belief in infinite possibility and ACTION. ASK us the Divine for healing, guidance, change and follow through with action to create your overall wellbeing. Believe in positive change for your physical health NOW and future. ASK Divine Source to increase your motivation to manifest health through positive intention and focus.

ASK for focus to use guided simple steps to motivate change with your health and wellness. ASK us to bring to your conscious awareness when you stop following your own guidelines and focus of health; and perhaps feel unwanted negative emotions such as; guilt, anger, sadness and shame which only blocks your positive growth.

  • Positive Action Steps to manifest Now and in your future may BE:
  • BE consciously aware of Positive Self-Talk to your physical body
  • BE Respectful towards your physical body, acknowledge your body as a vessel of light, as we witness you
  • Be responsible for your actions towards your body with compassion and understanding
  • Be realistic in your capabilities of your truth towards your physical body
  • Be your own conduit of health and wellness versus what you witness outside of yourself
  • BE true to you
  • BE the vessel of love for your physical body and allow to experience your truth of perfect health

A tool to use with us the Divine is repeat positive statements to self throughout your day-to-day activities to manifest your positive intentions and allow us to assist:

“I trust my intuitive guidance to be in physical wellness NOW.”

“I create and maintain my physical wellbeing with ease and grace NOW.”

“I accept Divine guidance to enhance my physical experience.”

“I experience my truth of perfect health.”

“I am in perfect health NOW.”

“I love my body as I experience it NOW.”

“I am me in all of my perfection as a conduit of light.”

“I experience compassion towards me as I accept my fitness of health and wellness NOW.”

My children, infinite possibilities NOW and Always.


Archangel Raphael

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