How to Manifest Health with Angel Empowerment Healing

Sam Bell • January 18, 2021

Continuing our theme for January - Manifesting for the Year to Come, I wanted to focus MANIFESTATION learning how to manifest a healthy body is the desire of most. Our message this month is on how essential our Physical health is to leading an enriched life. Our physical is the vessel for our mind and spirit to carry out the activities that give us purpose. 

Our Physical Health and Wellbeing has been a HUGE focus around the globe as the media, politicians and medical officers of health talk continuously about how we can stay healthy and assist others to do the same. We are ALL feeling 'COVID Fatigue’, and without wanting to add to it, ask yourself this one question: Are you currently living in a body that could benefit from better health? 

The New Year usually brings an increase in gym memberships, diet enrolments and resolutions to eat better and stay healthier. But this wanes as the year goes on. Often because as Cindy mentions in her message, we set unrealistic goals to be achieved in an unrealistic time frame. But what if I were to say that time is not linear? That time is a continual cycle and you have a continual cycle, be it a day, a week, a month, a year in which to achieve your goal? What if I was to say you can achieve this goal NOW and you can begin to manifest your perfect health and wellness immediately?

Well, you CAN!

Manifesting health follows the same principles as every other manifestation. It all comes down to the unconscious mind, your inner beliefs, and your actions.

Like everything else you can attract with the Law of Attraction, you can attract vibrant health. By training your unconscious, you can set your mind and body up for manifesting physical healing.

Your mind is where you hold onto the beliefs that create your outer reality. What you believe inside, you will manifest outside.

It is merely a reflection. If you want to manifest health, you first need to train the unconscious to believe you are entirely healthy.

And that, my friends, is how Angel Empowerment Healing works it magic,
reprogramming your unconscious mind and bringing what we call ’The 3 Minds’ into alignment.

To change what is happening in the body, you need to change what the mind believes about the body. If you believe that you have bad health, you will. But if you choose to believe you are in perfect health, the Angel Empowerment Healing (AEH) Program will train your brain to start sending the types of messages to your body’s cells that are positive and health creating.

When you program your unconscious to believe you are healthy now, it naturally leads you in the direction of perfect health.
You will receive the exact level of healing and health that you believe you have in your unconscious.

It takes some time and consistency to retrain your mind, which is why we recommend a minimum of 4 sessions to be essential to manifesting a healthy body.

Our Body is Vibration

Our AEH Practitioners receive training in Quantum Physics and they learn to understand that the physical body has a vibration as do your thoughts and feelings. Your body is energetic vibration. They understand there are vibrational frequencies that create better health, and there are vibrational frequencies that create disease.

One of the AEH goals is to empower your body to vibrate at a level that is conducive to perfect health.
Quantum Physics provides the science behind this goal and proves it is truth. To raise your vibration to the highest level of health, what you need to do is put yourself into a positive emotional state.

Your emotions are stored in your body, so it is imperative that you FEEL good!

Your emotional health is as important as your physical health, spiritual health and social health. All together they are considered Holistic Health. AEH works with all aspects and is truly holistic. Our practitioners work with you to create a positive emotional state, so you learn to think about things that foster hope, love, and gratitude. When you are focused on these things, your body reacts to the positive chemicals that your thoughts are sending to it.

It will begin to FEEL the way you’re thinking. When you do this repeatedly, soon, your body will take on this new feeling as your baseline. You will begin to feel energetic, grateful, and loving automatically without even trying. When you are feeling good without trying, you have raised your vibration to the point that will align with perfect health.

These are the very first steps toward manifesting your own Perfect Health. Angel Empowerment Healing does exactly what it says it does: It provides you with the tools needed to EMPOWER YOU to heal yourself and manifest PERFECT HEALTH now.

Reach out to one of our practitioners TODAY and discover even more ways our program assists you in manifesting your perfect health. 

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