Dear Angel Friends
Happy Father’s Day – A Day for us all to reflect and acknowledge!
I was guided to send an email out today versus the 15th of the month. Why…...? I felt this pull to honor my dad who is in the white light by sharing a message. For the first time ever, I am going to share a message from my dad through spirit form to all of you. I must admit I feel a little vulnerable doing this; however, it feels right for Father’s Day.
“Kiddo, I am getting a kick out of channeling this message for your friends. This is a day I loved when I was in physical form. All fathers acknowledge this day whether they admit it or not. I know it was a big day for me because it was an excuse to make a big deal about having time with my children. At times some of us fathers may wish we were doing a better job at being a father or had more time to share or the skill set to be more; and at other times it is the acceptance of knowing we are unconditionally loved no matter our strengths and weaknesses as a dad that means the most. Send this message out to your friends to let them know at some level all fathers feel the honor of this day whether they receive a small or big gesture. This includes us fathers in spirit form because we still feel your unconditional love. To any father reading this message please learn from my mistake, and tell all your kids you love them with words not just actions. I know now in spirit form how much it means to them and understand truly now that every day is Children’s Day. I love all my children and grandchildren. Happy Father’s Day to all and make time for each other.” Wally
Thank you, Dad, for sharing this message, and I am so grateful I can still be connected to you through spirit in your truest form of LOVE.
In Love and Light, Cindy Smith