June 2021 Archangel Message

Cindy Smith & Archangel Metatron • May 31, 2021

Cindy's Message June 2021 

Dear Angel Friends

I recently was a student in my daughters’ workshop, ‘Angels for Anxiety’, and had many ‘ah ha’ moments which has guided the theme for this month. The workshop gave me an insight into the different levels of anxiety and reminded me how worry is a form of anxiety which stems from the underlying emotion of fear. For many years all I wanted to do was fix Carolyn’s journey with anxiety, and stop it from happening, as any parent would. Carolyn has been my biggest teacher about anxiety and now I am so proud of her sharing her knowledge and all the Angel tools she has been guided to use. As I was listening to Carolyn and hearing a new perspective, it was a big reminder how important our shield around our Aura is. For this month I am guided to share a message from Archangel Metatron, to enhance our clarity about shielding. Using the Rainbow Shield is one of my daily routines, and a technique I have been using since I started my journey working with the Angels. 

How was I guided to use the Rainbow Shield? 

During my first awareness of connecting to Archangel Metatron (2008), within my mind’s eye I saw an outline of an Angel surrounded in/by rainbow colors. In addition, I saw geometrical shapes floating around the colors. I heard this message: “My child, learn about your aura and the importance of it’s frequency and vibration. Allow us the Divine to place a rainbow of colors around your aura as a filter of protection.” And so, it began - my journey of learning and teaching about our aura and the importance to protect it for our overall wellbeing. Even though over the years Archangel Metatron has shared several messages concerning protecting our aura, I am once again asking to channel a message from Archangel Metatron for YOU. Asking the Divine to place a shield around your aura is a key to wellness!

I have included a written copy from my Wings of Love 2nd edition to help with the understanding of Aura and Using the Vacuum within the Rainbow Shield. Below find   Archangel Metatron’s Message. 

In Love and Light, Cindy Smith

Archangel Gabriel Message June 2021

“My children there are many causes we witness which is/are affecting the sensitivity of your physical bodies’ aura. The increase is even more prevalent in your young people. The global change, frequency of your mother earth and the physical soul’s evolution are a few of these causes. Now is the time to place aura shielding as a priority for physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. We the Divine can assist you when you ASK. We are unable to place a permanent shield of protection due to your free will experience on your physical journey. Therefore, please ask for a new or boosted shield with the inner vacuum every 12 hours. My children if there is a specific situation or experience you know you need extra support within your aura because of your inner thoughts and beliefs please ASK us to clear with the vacuum and add extra protection. ASKING – SIMPLICITY – ACTION

And So it Is.”

Archangel Metatron

The passage below is from my book,
Wings of Love Empowerment Guide & Journal © September, 2014 Cindy Smith 

Auras are energy fields which surround all living matter. 

The Human Aura:

  • Surrounds the physical body
  • Is usually oval in shape
  • Radiates in all directions
  • Displays as a magnetic field
  • Constantly moves with vibration
  • Changes according to our emotional, mental and physical state

I feel the main purpose for a Rainbow Shield is to filter the magnetic energy your aura attracts. Naturally we all at some level will filter and release energy within our aura. However, I believe we are becoming more sensitive and being bombarded by stronger magnetic pulls. Our Aura can become heavier and denser throughout our interaction with other people and certain environments. I suggest you experiment with using a shield and learn to feel what it is like with and without one. The Rainbow Shield will never block you from still using your Aura to read energy around you. The Rainbow Shield will allow you to feel more energized and lighter. 

Archangel Metatron has recently added the vortex of energy inside the shield. Read below message for description. I am witness to more clients and students who are experiencing much stronger feelings and it is affecting them more negatively than positively. I am going to ask for this vortex of energy myself and see and feel how it works. Once again, a simple reminder is that all we have to do is ASK and it is done.

Archangel Metatron’s message for 2nd Edition:

“My children we witness the effect a shield of protection has around your aura. My children for many of you your awareness to sensitivity has become stronger. It is important for your realm of energy to protect more of your physical being which holds your vibration. Your beautiful Aura reads your environment around and within. It is essential to keep your aura clear and light and at full capacity. Taking on emotions from other physical beings, or energetic and vibrational debris from your environment stops you from allowing optimal health and clarity. We ask you to allow us to protect your aura by ASKING. My children, for those of you who experience more of virtual feeling within, or you may refer to virtual as empath feeling, allow us to assist with more than a Rainbow Shield of energy. Permit us to create just inside of your Rainbow Shield an empty layer or vortex layer which will continue to vacuum or remove unwanted energy which you have experienced or felt and then released. My children this will allow to keep your strong sense of feeling without keeping it or holding onto which is no longer needed. We will monitor the vortex layer as we do the colour layer of the shield. We understand the importance of your Aura and how you use it to interact with your world, now use it with clarity and heath and this will stop you from wanting to hide from the world or creating physical illness to do so. Be in your health and truth my children.”

With Love Archangel Metatron!

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