February 2022 St. Brigid Message By Cindy Smith

Cindy Smith & St. Brigid • January 27, 2022

Cindy's Message February 2022 

I am once again guided to share a St. Brigid message for the month of February. Saint Brigid has asked to highlight the theme of Passion: exploring your Passion for life experiences and events. I have shared many times that St. Brigid holds a special connection in my heart. I had no understanding of St. Brigid until Maria and I hosted our first Ireland tour in 2013. When we visited one of St. Brigid’s sites, our bus driver was sharing his knowledge of her. What first stood out to me: she was born and died on Feb 1st, which is a day honored in Ireland with traditions, and my birthday is also Feb 1st. Since my first visit to Ireland, I channel St. Brigid when guided to do so for self and others. Her vibration holds a deep sense of compassion, love, healing and I enjoy connecting with her. I have honored St. Brigid from that first trip in Ireland by wearing the St. Brigit’s Cross every day since, which is my way to always be connected to my love of Ireland. 

For the Empowerment of Light Community Members, I was guided to encourage them for this month to connect and learn the difference between St. Brigid and Goddess Brigid. I channeled messages with both Saint and Goddess because for me I feel a different vibration and visualization of each.  I channeled two separate messages for EOL members. For many reasons I am looking forward to our Celtic Angel Tour this May 2022, but after these recent channels with Saint and Goddess Brigid I have received clear guidance to enhance our tour members’ experiences by sharing the connection of both Saint and Goddess. I have been shown the different locations in Ireland where we will all be encouraged to connect to both. So much fun!

Do you believe there is a difference between Goddess and Saint? Would love to hear from you. 

In Love and Light Cindy

Archangel Michael Message February 2022


Maria O’Farrell Carr Message who is my co-facilitator of the Celtic Angel Ireland Tour.

Imbolc is also called Brigid's Day and is a Gaelic traditional festival marking the beginning of spring. It is held on 1 February, or about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox. Historically, it was widely observed throughout Ireland. Brighid, meaning “fiery arrow or power”, is often called the Triple Goddess or the Triple Mother. She was Goddess of poets, feminine crafts, the hearth, martial arts, healing and inspiration. She who gives hope and new beginnings. The Celtic Church could not replace her, so they absorbed her as the “foster-mother” of Christ and as St. Brigit, the daughter of the Druid ‘Dougal the Brown’. Brighid is very like the Greek Goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom, yet she also has the nurturing warmth of the heart, the home and the hearth within her. St. Brigid (450-525) and she died in 525 on the same date she was born, February 1. She is the Lady of Healing Waters, Wells and Springs; many wells in Ireland are dedicated to Brigit and the waters are believed to be blessed with the healing grace of the Lady. With this energy, Brigit brings the remembrance of our Oneness and is an awesome affirmation of the Eternal Essence of the Divine Feminine. Some of Her symbols and correspondences include fire, sparks of fire, candles, forges, hearth, sunrise, sunbeams, springs and wells. Oak trees, acorns, lambs and ewes, dairy cows, milk, spears and arrows, snowdrops, blackberries, ivy, crocuses, clover, heliotrope, heather, and the colors green, white, black, red, and yellow, St. Brigit’s Cross, and Corn Dolls. Goddess Brigit is an all-encompassing aspect of the Divine Feminine and remembrance of our Divine Power. Goddess Brigit is a devoted and steadfast ally to any and all who call upon Her. On February 1st, I invite you to spend some time by water and ask her to assist you on your own spiritual Journey. In May 2022, we offer a Sacred Sites of Ireland tour with Celtic Wisdom Keeper Maria O’Farrell Carr and AEP Founder Cindy Smith. We will be visiting some of the St. Brigid’s healing wells and Goddess Brighid's sacred sites. 

St. Brigid Message – Passion for Life 

My children, be open to understand and acknowledge all which brings you passion of life now as an active participant in your own reality. Create actions and experiences to allow to be in your passion of life. 

My children, acknowledge your innate ability to share your light with others in all you do. Perhaps you have a title as a healer, teacher, mother, father, daughter, son, …………...; acknowledge your ability to love what you actively do to share your light with others. Compassion for self and others enhances the theme of Passion in your awareness. Passion for life is the spark of allowing to be happy regardless of your environmental circumstances. Allow your spark to motivate you to share more of your passion with others. As you are true to your passion of life it radiates to others. 

My children, ask these questions in your universal time of NOW to bring more awareness to your ability to live your life’s passions: 

How have I experienced joy in the past concerning my passion for life?

Do I know, feel, and believe I am creating experiences that bring me passion of life now and for my future?

Do I have the courage to make change in my life to create more experiences for my passion of life? How?

My children, your purpose of Passion represents Life Purpose of Joy in choices you make to bring your uniqueness to others. Be the healer in your own way and trust in your truth of inner knowing and Divine Connection. Remember my children, you walk the earth to bring forth your love of life and share your inspirational moments with others. 

Find and Be in your Passion of Life Now and Always.

St. Brigid

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