A New Year- Trying Something New

Jennifer Johnson • Feb 03, 2022


As I began my day and thinking about what to write in my first blog for the Wellness Center, this thought crossed my mind. Is fear guiding you or does your passion guide you?

Do you think about something, get excited and then allow self beliefs to talk you out of following through with the idea? Do you get fearful, and then dismiss the thought? Fear can be crippling and can keep you from having new experiences. It can keep you in a box and even limit you from experiencing things that you once enjoyed. The thing with fear is it can grow.

When you allow your passion and your heart to guide you, you can not be in fear. Fear and love can not reside in the same place. Your passion and joy come from deep within your heart. Fear can sometimes be an old habit and the lack of trust and nervousness will reside within the cell memory. Of course the angels can assist us with removing some of these patterns. The angels are always in a high love vibration.

At times stepping out of one's comfort zone is crucial in getting where you need to go. Using your intuition, your inner GPS to guide you forward.

Thinking about taking a new course or trying something new this year? Let your heart guide you and let go of any expectations. What brings you joy always comes from the heart. It is there, in your heart and soul, that you will also find your passion.

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